DIY & Remodeling With Justine Hand
On any given summer day, it's not usual to find Marnie Campbell stationed at Rock Harbor, in Orleans, Massachusetts, knitting away in her signature orange beach chair. Her latest handmade inspiration? A series of nautical knits made from foraged marine twine.
A consummate hunter-gatherer and creative thinker, Marnie walks the shore of Cape Cod daily in search of new and unusual finds to incorporate into her work. (My prized Marnie-made possession is a tomato-red hot pad interwoven with thin strips of golden grass.) For the past few years, Marnie has been collecting ocean-tossed twine washed ashore by the tides. Weathered and worn by the sea, these bits of detritus from lobster traps and fishing boats develop a salty patina that renders them more pliable and pale. Marnie then transforms them into pot holders, table mats, and scrub cloths that echo the textures and hues of her coastal home.
Photography by Justine Hand for Remodelista.
Above: Last weekend, my daughter, Solvi, and I tagged along on one of Marnie's foraging expeditions in search of any flexible fibers, natural or man-made, that might find new life in her creations. This is Marnie heading out.
Above: A find! The best place to search for twine is at the high-tide mark, where it becomes entangled in seaweed.
Above: Twine is also used to mark off nesting bird sites. Over the winter, when the birds have migrated, strong winds and high tides often sweep these lines away. Here, keeping a respectable distance from the protected area, Solvi and Marnie harvest twine from previous years.
Above: A rare chartreuse find. Can't wait to see what Marnie does with it.
Above: After Marnie has harvested her twine, she untangles and sorts it according to color. She likes the idea of the twine being salty, so she washes only the white string or very dirty lines by soaking them in a mild solution of soap and water.
Above: Solvi helps wind the untangled twine into a neat coil.
Above: Cleaned and sorted shipwrecked twine.
Above: Marnie's discoveries differ greatly in terms of thickness and pliability—the more time in the water, the softer the twine. So Marnie has to experiment to find the right knitting needles for each batch. She says she usually ends up using something between size 7 and 11 needles.
Above: Evoking the high-tide line, this hot pad was fashioned from natural cotton rope (also found on the beach) interwoven with a fine stripe of man-made green twine, as well as brown seaweed that Marnie soaked in water to make it flexible enough to knit.
Above: Marnie's worktable displays various pot holders and scrubs in, from top to bottom, a deep seaweed shade, natural cotton, mariner's green, sea foam green, and natural jute.
Above: Marnie's salty knits can be used as trivets, potholders, table mats, or scrubs. See below for ordering information.
Above: Fittingly, Marnie uses what's called a lobster pot knot to connect two different twines. Since her pieces embrace the rustic nature of Cape Cod, she doesn't mind extra bumps or even a few stray lines.
Above: Mats in mariner's green hang by the beach.
Above: Each of Marnie's marine-twine knits is one of a kind. This example includes rare blue rope.
Above: Marnie works on a tangle near some of her creations. If you would like her to make one for you, email her at Prices vary depending on the size of the piece and weight of the twine; generally $20 to $50 for smaller pieces, and $100 and up for larger ones.
Want more nautical DIYs? Turn tumbled rocks into a Beach Stone Gate Clasp and sun-bleached shells into a Razor Clam Pendant Lamp. And go to Nautical Style for year-round ideas, including Oars as Decor and Marine Canvas Water Buckets as Bathroom Storage.
This post is an update; it originally appeared on September 17, 2014, as part of our Style on a Budget issue.
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Outdoor Spaces With Remodelista Team
Get your drinkable sparklers, patriotic enamelware, and summer-house rope tricks here.
Above: Before and After: A Summer Porch Rehab in Upstate New York. (And tour the interior in our post A Country House Reinvented by Jersey Ice Cream Co.)
Above: 10 Easy Pieces: Fourth of July Celebration.
Above: DIY: Raspberry Sparkler for the Fourth of July.
Above: DIY Summer: 9 Ideas for Rope Decor with a Castaway Vibe.
Above: A Year-Round Barbecue for the Designer Set.
Above: Gardenista Giveaway: Landscape Architect Edmund Hollander's New Book of Estate Gardens.
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Kitchens With Christine Chang Hanway
There's little you can't make (or bake) with a 10-inch cast iron skillet, and if you look after it properly (season it regularly), cast iron cookware will last you a lifetime and beyond. Here are six favorites.
Above: A chef's dream: a row of variously sized cast iron skillets. Photograph via Brook Farm General Store.
Above: Vintage Griswold and Wagner cast iron skillets, the Rolls Royce of the cast iron world, can be found on eBay from $80 to $250.
Above: The 10.25-inch Lodge Logic Skillet is available through Amazon; $24.35.
Above: The 10-inch Camp Chef Cast Iron Skillet is available through Amazon; $17.99.
Above: The one drawback of the cast iron skillet is that its handle gets very hot. The Lodge Signature 10-Inch Cast Iron Skillet with Stainless Steel Handles offers a cooler handle option; available through Mills Fleet Farm for $50.
Above: Made of recycled iron, Borough Furnace's 9-Inch Frying Skillets are hard cast to order in Syracuse, New York; $280. See more in Ironman.
Above: At Felion Studios, you can have a cast iron skillet made in the shape of your home state. See Felion for details.
For more options, take a look at Object Lessons: Lodge Cast Iron and Jasper Morrison's Japanese-Made Cast Iron.
N.B.: This post is an update; the original story ran on October 18, 2012.
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Domestic Science With Sarah Lonsdale
Priscilla Woolworth has retail in her genes—four generations ago her family created the original five-and-dime Woolworths, which in its heyday was the largest chain store in the world. She continues the legacy in a modern, California way with Priscilla Woolworth, her online eco-concious general store launched in 2009. Back then she was living in LA with her two young teen girls, and, stumped by the lack of environmentally friendly consumer choices, she set out on a three-year intensive research mission that led to a new career.
Woolworth's own childhood was spent mostly in the South of France (with summers in Maine), where she grew up watching her French grandparents eat seasonally, prepare simple foods daily, compost, and take their own bags to the market. "I didn't realize how much it impacted me, observing how my grandparents lived," she says. But she continually found herself referring to that way of life in the special books of stories and wisdom that she created annually for each of her daughters.
She has made 40 such volumes to date, and recently she compiled the highlights into LOLA, Lots of Love Always, a manual for young women on how to live a healthy, sustainable lifestyle. Published by Woolworth herself, LOLA is full of photos and graphics, and manages to cover a vast array of things that a college-bound girl ought to know, from healthy eating basics to smart makeup choices to how to balance a budget. Informed, fun to read, and notably non-preachy, the book is a good resource for anyone who cares about sustainable living. Here, Priscilla shares some of her tips.
Photography by Sarah Lonsdale, except where noted.
Above: Woolworth via The Local Rose.
Above: Homemade vinegar cleaning solution.
Remodelista: You are a big proponent of green housekeeping. What are some basics?
Priscilla Woolworth: You want to keep your home as free of hazardous chemicals as you possibly can. That means your "natural" cleaning products should not include the following: ammonia, 2-butoxyethanol, chlorine, perc, phthalates, quats, sodium hydroxide, and triclosan. A good solution, I've learned, is to make your own all-purpose cleaners using things you already have in your kitchen, such as baking soda. Baking soda is the ultimate multipurpose ingredient that you can use for cleaning your oven, freshening up your carpets, and loosening caked-on food from pots and pans. For the latter, sprinkle baking soda into the pots and pans and add a little warm water. Let the mixture sit for 30 minutes before scrubbing. [For a homemade dish soap recipe, see Easy DIY.]
RM: Any do's and don'ts?
PW: Storing your leftovers in glass containers is much healthier for you than using plastic ones: Take plastic-wrapped meat or fish brought from the supermarket and store in glass once home (or bring your own containers to the store). Drink beverages in reusable glass containers. Before buying baking soda, make sure that it's aluminum free. And opt for an air popper instead of the microwave when making popcorn.
Above: Dry clothes outdoors; learn how to re-create this setup in DIY Shelter Island Clothes Line.
RM: Any savvy laundering tips?
PW: I've learned to practice better laundry habits, beginning with setting the machine on cold and running full loads to conserve water and energy. I also use the minimum amount of detergent, and I'm especially fond of reusable dryer sheets, which I scent with my favorite essential oil, lavender. Once you add several drops of essential oil to the sheets, it's absorbed into the cloth (no need to let it dry) and when added to the dryer, the scent is released as the cloth warms up from the heat and leaves just a trace of fragrance. But as often as I can, I let my clothes be dried by the wind and sun on a laundry line. If pilling is a concern, I also have a favorite non-pilling dryer sheet, the Static Eliminator, that I sell in my store.
RM: You spell out the hazards of buying pots and pans because of the toxicity of polymer substances associated with nonstick surfaces. What do you recommend?
PW: I'm a big fan of cast iron skillets and stainless steel pots, and for all my baking or roasting needs, glass or ceramic cookware work perfectly.
Above: Opt for organic bed linens when possible.
RM: Tips on first-time buying for an apartment or dorm room?
PW: Start by choosing bedding made from natural materials, such as organic cotton, wool, linen, hemp, or bamboo—because many sheets, blankets, and mattresses are produced from synthetic, petroleum-derived substances that have been doused in flame retardants and treated with formaldehyde finishes. Use natural cleaning products instead of conventional, commercial products with a list of questionable ingredients. Don't underestimate the effectiveness of plain soap and water for washing hands (as opposed to antibacterial soap, which is to be avoided). In addition, apartment dwellers should use a fabric shower curtain over vinyl, and when repainting, use VOC-free paint.
Above: Priscilla Woolworth offers a selection of natural beauty products with all the ingredients spelled out.
RM: I love the fact that you talk about beauty products in your book. Many teen girls may know about the benefits of eating organic food but are totally oblivious to the fact that they may be using makeup that is harmful to them.
PW: Just because a beauty product is sold in a supermarket, drugstore, or department store cosmetics counter doesn't mean it's safe. Many years ago, I decided to invest in my health and well-being by choosing beauty and personal care products that don't contain parabens, sulfates, synthetic fragrances, petrochemicals, phthalates, GMOs, or triclosan. And unlike a decade ago, there are many fantastic, toxin-free beauty products on the market to choose from. Also, there are wonderful sunscreens available that are mineral-based and don't have super-high SPFs—a higher SPF doesn't mean it actually offers better sun protection; the Environmental Working Group's SPF guide explains this well. It's also upsetting to learn that more than half of the sunscreens sold contain oxybenzone, a potential hormone disruptor that readily penetrates the skin.
RM: Any other beauty notes?
PW: Make sure the lipstick you choose is lead-free: More than half of the tested brands contain this toxic element! See how your brand rates and find good choices by going to the EWG's Skin Deep lipstick rating page. In general, for checking beauty products, the EWG is by far my favorite resource and well worth bookmarking. One more thing: My friend, green expert Renee Loux, recommends routinely rotating the beauty products you use because she notes that the skin and hair will inevitably reach a level of saturation and stop responding to even the best, clean natural ingredients.
Above: Learn what your makeup is made of and buy small quantities, so that what you're using is fresh.
RM: Anything else we should know about makeup?
PW: I learned that makeup that isn't made without toxic preservatives—such as propylparaben, which is linked to breast cancer and hormone disruptions—won't last or work as well after six to 12 months. Perhaps it's time for makeup brands to offer smaller sizes.
RM: Your book acknowledges that for those on a budget sometimes fast food may be the only option.
PW: Even if fast food is what's most convenient or all you can afford, there are still choices on the menu that are healthier, such as grilled veggies, clear Asian soups, and grilled chicken.
RM: How did you tackle the issue of clothing when your girls were teens?
PW: The teen time is all about fashion and my daughters loved clothes, it was hard because they did buy "fast fashion," but over time, I got them to think about what they bought and where it came from, and to ask themselves if they really need it. I also taught them the merits of sharing clothes.
RM: What do you wish you had known when you first left home?
PW: Everything in LOLA. Back then, I never thought about making healthy choices.
Above: The book is available from the LOLA website for $37.95 as well as on Amazon. To read more about Woolworth and peruse her offerings, visit Priscilla Woolworth.
For more advice on eco-conscious living, see 10 Ways to Live with Less from Zero Waste Home (and read about my family's attempt to Live Waste Free).
For homemade cleaning solutions that I swear by, see 10 Ways to Use Vinegar in the Home. Go to Gardenista for homemade window cleaner, fridge freshener, and more.
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